How to translate the cookie notice in Polylang

Translating WP Full Picture’s cookie notice in Polylang is easy. Follow the steps below.

Step 1. Write the texts to translate

Go to the cookie notice settings in the customizer and open the section where you can edit the texts. Add there the texts you want to translate.

Important! Do this even if you are OK with the default texts!

wpml translating cookie notice step 1

Do not forget to add a link to your privacy policy. Choose the privacy policy page and wrap the “privacy policy” text in curly backets like this”{{privacy policy}}”.

Step 2. Translate the texts in Polylang

Go to Polylang > Translations and search for all the translatable strings in the WP Full Picture plugin.

polylang translating cookie notice step 1

In the search results, you will find the texts that you wrote. These are the ones you need to translate.

Important! It is possible that one of the texts to translate is a number. if you find it, go to Step 3. If you don’t, then go to step 4.

Step 3. Translate IDs of the privacy policy page

Edit your “privacy policy” page and check its URL in the address bar. It will look something like this one:

The value “123” is the ID of this page. Remember it and check IDs of the translations of this page. Write them down somewhere.

Now, go back to the Polylang > Translations, and find the field with the number to translate.

Translate it with the IDs of the privacy pages in other languages.

Now, your privacy policy links should link to the correct language versions.

Step 3. Final check

Check if the notice is translated correctly.

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