How to track WP data in Matomo by registering custom dimensions

Attention! By default, users of the self-hosted Matomo (on-premise installation) can track up to 5 dimensions with scope “Action” and 5 of scope “Visit” (this can be increased to 50 each) and cloud users can track up to 30 dimensions (15/15) (this cannot be changed).

WP Full Picture lets you track wide array of data from your WordPress installation.

matomo wp data

However, to see this data in Matomo reports, you need to enter index numbers in the fields in the form with settings.

Where to take this index number from?

You will get it after you register a custom dimension in Matomo admin panel. This article explains, how to do this.

How to register a custom dimension in Matomo

Step 1 – Go to Matomo’s Custom Dimensions settings

matomo setting up custom dimensions 1
  1. Visit Matomo dashboard
  2. Go to the Administration area (cog icon in the top menu)
  3. Open “websites” > “custom dimensions”
  4. Add your custom dimensions either in the “Visit” or “Action” section (depending on the information provided in the Matomo’s settings panel in WP Full Picture’s)

Step 2 – Add a custom dimension

matomo setting up custom dimensions 2b
  1. Give a new dimension a name and click “active” but do not set “extract value”
  2. Save changes

Step 3 – Find the dimension’s index number

matomo setting up custom dimensions 3
matomo setting up custom dimensions 4
  1. Click an icon to edit the custom dimension you have just created
  2. Scroll down the page and look for a piece of code with information with the ID of your dimension, e.g. _paq.push(['setCustomDimension', 1, 'dimensionValue']);
  3. Paste the ID into the correct settings field in the WP Full Picture settings
matomo wp data index numbers
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