Analytics & Privacy Toolkit
for WordPress and WooCommerce
Install & set-up all popular analytics and marketing tools and make them comply with privacy laws!
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Used on 1200+ websites
Install all the analytics & marketing tools you need
Track all the important data (with no coding)
Measure the quality of traffic sources and ad campaigns with lead scoring (available in September)
Comply with privacy laws
View traffic & marketing reports in the WP admin and your phone*
* Requires an app of the platform where you built your reports. Not all platforms have them. The graphics shows reports created in the Databox system.
Latest Articles
Get 100% more cookie consents from a Consent Banner (without breaking GDPR)
You can style consent banner in many ways. However, there is one particular design which gives you more consents than others – without breaking GDPR. What is it? These are…
Does order attribution feature in WooCommerce 8.5.1 break GDPR? And what to do about it.
WooCommerce 8.5.1 has a new feature which shows store owners the last traffic source of a purchase. The first impression is positive. Data seems useful and it is shown in…
How to use Lead Scoring to measure the quality of traffic sources in WordPress and WooCommerce
Google Analytics and other powerful analytics tools offer you many ways to slice, dice and analyse your traffic. However, they don’t offer any easy way to answer one crucial question…