Changelog prior to v. 8.0.0

This page contains the list of updates and changes in WP Full Picture plugin prior to version 8.0. Detailed information on latest releases can be found on this page.

= 7.5.1 (13-08-2024) =

  • [Fix] [GAds] If the “AW-” prefix is missing before the ID, it is now automatically added
  • [Fix] Removed unnecessary “nooptimize” comments that caused issues with the Greenshift “Woo blocks” addon
  • [Fix] [Other] Improved loading the consent banner in customizer
  • [Fix] [Consent Banner] Changed names of CSS and JS files so that they don’t get blocked by the ad blockers
  • [Fix] [Geolocation] Changing location with ?fp_set_country now works correctly
  • [Fix] [Geolocation] [Pro] Gtag now waits for the geolocation info before it sends consents
  • [Fix] [Geolocation] [Pro] Location was checked after initiating consent banner when it was in automatic mode
  • [Other] Tested compatibility with WP 6.6.1
  • [Other] Freemius SDK update

= 7.5.0 (07-05-2024) =

  • [New] [Pro] [Metadata tracking] You can now track custom user and term metadata
  • [New] [Pro] [Advanced Triggers] Added a “has HTML parent” rule
  • [New] GA consents are now also sent for GAs installed with 3rd party tools
  • [Update] Gtag scripts controlled with TTM will now load even when partial consents have been granted
  • [Fix] Prevented double-triggering setting consents when GTM had “datalayer protection” disabled and GA module was enabled.

= 7.4.0 (25-04-2024) =

  • [New] [Woo] You can now track products added to cart with a link parameter, e.g.
  • [New] [Google Analytics] User actions can now be tracked as either separate events or events with parameters
  • [New] [Google Analytics] You can now set the names of some event parameters
  • [New] Added a URL parameter “?fp_set_country=X” for testing location-based privacy settings, e.g.
  • [New] [Consent banner] Admins can specify what element should show/hide the banner on click
  • [New] Added a fallback option to FP.getScript()
  • [New] [Woo] WP FP now lets you push customer data to the DL
  • [New] [Plausible] Option not to load tracking script so that WP FP will work as Plausible’s plugin extension
  • [Update] [Iframes Manager] Added checks to prevent returning empty HTML
  • [Update] Better phone number normalization for Woo
  • [Update] [TTL] Added a check that makes sure that no tracking script chosen from the list is double-blocked
  • [Update] HTML tags are now stripped from product names to make sure that they don’t cause issues inside WP FP’s JS objects
  • [Update] [i18n] Changed language domain to match slug
  • [Other] Added a link to the WP FP docs in the info about WooCommerce tracking in the modules’ settings
  • [Other] Added more info about how “Protecting datalayer” option works
  • [Other] Added explainer info to GTM about how it should be used
  • [Fix] When ga4_debug param is added to URL the notice asked for consents on another pageview
  • [Fix] [TTM] Double quotations of URL attributes in the script constructed with FP.getScript()
  • [Fix] Geolocation was checked on every pageload even if it was already known
  • [Fix] [TTM] Added a check to preg_replace_callback to make sure that there were no errors and the returned HTML is not null
  • [Fix] [Google Analytics] Replaced space with an underscore in “email_link click” and “js error” event names
  • [Other] Freemius SDK update
  • [Other] You can now disable Consent Banner customisation section in the theme Customizer with a snippet “function fupi_disable_customizer(){};”

= 7.3.1 (12-03-2024) =

  • [New] [Consent banner] Added url_passthrough option to GAds & GA
  • [New] [Pro] IP address validation for server-side tracking
  • [Update] [GTM] [Consent mode] Improved logic of consent mode for GTM
  • [Fix] [Pro] Solution to Cloudflare\’s proxy tht made user IPs unusable for FB CAPI
  • [Fix] [Pro] [Meta] [CAPI] The value of fbp cookie was sometimes not sent to the server, even though it was available
  • [Fix] [Consent banner] On some sites, the theme’s CSS of form labels impacted the styling of consent toggles
  • [Fix] Obfuscating some post author names
  • [Fix] [PostHog] Tracking script did not load when the user chose EU servers when setting up their PH account
  • [Fix] [Woo] Option to show “order confirmation page seen” icon on the Orders page has been correctly marked as Pro feature

= 7.3.0 (04-03-2024) =

  • [New] [Woo] [GAds] You can now track non-purchase Woo events as conversions
  • [New] [Cookie Notice] Color picker for the switcher for necessary cookies
  • [Updated] Consent mode logic improvement for gtag and GTM.
  • [Updated] [Woo] [GAds] Added transaction_id to purchase tracking
  • [Fix] [Woo] Teasers in modified HTML wrappers will no longer trigger errors
  • [Fix] Shortcode fp_info did not display the tools list if Tracking Tools Manager or Custom Scripts module were enabled but not set up
  • [Fix] [GTM] Static data is no longer sent before settings consents
  • [Fix] [GTM] Added an event name to the push with static data
  • [Fix] [Consent banner] Fixed a case of not working customizer controls under specific circumstances
  • [Fix] Fn isAnchorLinkToCurrentPage no longer throws an error when links with very weird URLs are clicked
  • [Removal] Parameter allow_ad_personalization_signals in GA4 (no longer necessary with consent mode)
  • [Removal] Splitbee module
  • [Other] [Consent Banner] Improved script creating optional headline text
  • [Other] Small UI improvements

= 7.2.2 (27-02-2024) =

  • [Update] Made jquery dependancy an option (experimental)
  • [Fix] Tracking clicks in contact links – when users clicked phon or email links, full addresses/number were sent to some tracking tools. Now only parts of number or email addresses are sent
  • [Fix] [Hotjar] [Woo] Hotjar tried to track checkouts and purchases even when the options for tracking them were disabled.

= 7.2.1 (20-02-2024) =

  • [Fix] [Pro] Custom events tracking did not accept uppercase letters

= 7.2.0 (19-02-2024) =

  • [Update] [UX/UI] Make all conditional settings that require other modules, to be visible but inactive
  • [Fix] [Twitter] [Free] Remove code for sending email (it does not work in Free)
  • [Other] Clicking the “account” link in WP admin will now redirect to website’s account login page
  • [Other] replaced a PO file with a POT file for translations

= 7.1.4 (11-02-2024) =

  • [Fix] [Woo] When WooCommerce plugin was deactivated while WooCommerce Tracking module was active, all Gutenberg blocks disappeared

= 7.1.3 (09-02-2024) =

  • [Fix] [Meta] [Pro] Switch to enable enagagement time tracking did not show up

= 7.1.2 (08-02-2024) =

  • [New] [Free] Added a button to the Pro pricing page
  • [Fix] Tracking exclusion with a link

= 7.1.1 (07-02-2024) =

  • [Fix] [Pro] Removed a piece of code that marked available features as Pro

= 7.1.0 (07-02-2024) =

  • [New] Consent Mode v2 is now added to GTM
  • [New] [Consent Banner] Consent banner can now be set to re-appear when a privacy policy is updated or new tracking tools are enabled
  • [Update] [Privacy] Google’s Consent Mode updated to v2
  • [Update] [MS Clarity] Improved privacy / consent mode
  • [Update] Simplified UX
  • [Removed] Saving tasks in checklists
  • [Removed] Hiding Pro settings in the free version

= 7.0.2 (31-01-2023) =

  • [Fix] Google Ads conversion tracking – fixed a typo that prevented conversions from being tracked
  • [Fix] [Microsot Ads] Properly marked enhanced conversions as unavailable in Free

= 7.0.0 (18-01-2023) =

  • [New] 100% NEW WooCommerce integration with blocks supports & new features
  • [New] [MS Advertising] Enhanced Conversion tracking
  • [New] [Woo] [Pinterest] Added tracking product categories
  • [New] [Woo] Undoing product removals in cart now is now tracked
  • [New] [Woo] [Plausible] Revenue data is now automatically sent with purchase information
  • [New] [Woo] Tracking coupons in compatible tools
  • [New] [Plausible] You can now track WP data, search phrases and user role
  • [New] [X / Twitter] WP FP can now send to Twitter / X user’s email address for improved conv. tracking
  • [New] Added Android app redirects to YouTube app, LinkedIn app and Line app (JP).
  • [Update] [Woo] All “begin checkout” events are now tracked. Not only the first one in a path.
  • [Update] [All] Phone numbers and email addresses clicked by people on the website are now tracked in a form that prevents them from being considered as PII by tracking tools (hence, not blocked).
  • [Update] [Hotjar] Updated to latest HJ API with “hj(‘event)
  • [Update] Modifications and improvements to FP helpers scripts
  • [Update] [Woo] Brand tracking no longer requires selecting brand taxonomy when the WP FP’s brand tax is enabled
  • [Removed] Redirecting to the main page of plugin after activation
  • [Removed] [GTM] Old formatting of data sent to the dataLayer
  • [Fix] [Woo] [Pin] Email address for the Enhanced Match is now correctly sent to Pinterest
  • [Fix] [Woo] [Plausible] Properties for Woo events should now be correctly recognized by Plausible
  • [Fix] [Woo] [Matomo] In certain situations clean page title was not reported to Matomo and the default one was used
  • [Other] Added aria-label to the panels of the cookie notice.

= 6.2.0 (15-11-2023) =

  • [New] [Matomo] WooCommerce support
  • [Update] [Matomo] Custom dimensions (set up in the “track WP data” section) are now added to all events – not only to pageview
  • [Update] [Matomo] Tracking the number of search results is now made with “trackSiteSearch” event instead of trackPageView event – with search query, category and search results number.
  • [Update] Click-tracking improvements – especially triggering callback functions after all clicks
  • [Fix] Links marked with “fupi_click_stopped” class couldn’t be clicked again
  • [Fix] Tracking terms of non-standard taxonomies
  • [Fix] [WooCommerce] Prices rounding bug
  • [Fix] [WooCommerce] Product quantities are now correctly tracked
  • [Fix] [WooCommerce] Product quantities are now correctly tracked

= 6.1.0 (08-11-2023) =

  • [Change] Settings for analytics dashboards moved to their own module
  • [New] [GTM] Advanced Triggers and Custom Tracking support
  • [New] [Matomo] Advanced Triggers and Custom Tracking support
  • [New][Metadata Tracking] When a debug mode is enabled and an administrator user visits the site, show him all the custom meta in debug log.
  • [Update] Metadata Tracking UI improvements
  • [Fix] [Plausible] Report shows even when the Plausible module is disabled
  • [Fix] [Plausible] Report’s iframe is too short, thus cut in the middle
  • [Other] Premium options are shown by default in the WP FP Free
  • [Other] Clearly explain GA users where consent mode can be activated
  • [Other] UI tweak. Clearer descriptions of WooCommerce events tracked by different modules
  • [Other] UI tweak. Required settings fields in repeatable sections are now highlighted
  • [Other] An in-admin guide entry for the Metadata Tracking module about the custom meta available in console after debug is enabled

= 6.0.0 (01-11-2023) =

  • [New] Advanced triggers
  • [New] New feature set for the Free version
  • [New] Added Safe Fonts module
  • [New] Cookie notice buttons can now be set to inline-reversed only on mobile
  • [Update] Iframes manager now supports Bricks builder (only iframes added with HTML or with the “Video” element)
  • [Update] Iframes manager now supports Brakedance builder (only iframes added with HTML or the Full Embed option)
  • [Update] Freemius SDK
  • [Fix] Blocked Iframes now correctly show URL to privacy policy of the content source
  • [Fix] [Plugin settings] – Sidenav link to WooCommerce Tracking module is now removed when WooCommerce is deactivated
  • [Fix] [Other] Removed console notice about failed loading of ad block test script
  • [Fix] [WooCommerce] Checkout data was incorrect when there was another cart in page HTML (e.g. in a slideout panel)
  • [Fix] Cookie notice required FP.manageIframes function even when Iframes Manager wasn’t used
  • [Fix] [Crazy Egg] Custom tracking methods now work correctly
  • [Removed] [Hotjar] JS tracking
  • [Other] Name changes – “Twitter” to “X” and “Cookie Notice” to “Consent Banner”

= 5.3.0 (09-10-2023) =

  • [New] New Iframes Manager
  • [New] Automatic setup options in the Tracking Tools Manager
  • [New] Tracking Tools Manager can now manage Jetpack Stats
  • [New] Admin can now give permission to update FP’s settings to users with specific emails and IDs
  • [New] Non-admin users who were given edit rights to WP FP’s settings can no longer give the same permissions to other users
  • [New] New in-admin guide for Twitter Ads
  • [Update] Make the texts in the iframe placeholder translatable
  • [Fix] Admin panel responsiveness was off on laptops
  • [Removed] Google Optimize integration module

= 5.2.3 (22-09-2023) =

  • [New] Modules guides
  • [New] Added a column to the list of orders in Woo with info whether the clients saw the order confirmation page or not
  • [Fix] The ad block detection method
  • [Fix] Sending ad block detection event in GTM
  • [Fix] Fixed tracking ad blockers once per session in Plausible
  • [Fix] Fixed a bug that sanitized reports iframe when it was saved for the first time

= 5.2.2 (13-09-2023) =

  • [New] in-admin guides
  • [New] You can now create custom events with the TikTok Pixel integration module

= 5.2.1 (08-09-2023) =

  • [New] LinkedIn can now track clicks in contact links as conversions
  • [New] Modules guides
  • [Update] Made a check that makes sure that LinkedIn script is loaded when we want to track something
  • [Fix] Option to track User ID is now visible in Crazy Egg
  • [Fix] LinkedIn Tracking element views now works correctly

= 5.2.0 (06-09-2023) =

  • [New] You can now show in WP admin marketing dashboards from Looker Studio, Databox and others
  • [New] Added in-admin guides for several modules
  • [New] Added contact links tracking in Google Ads
  • [Update] WP FP by default sends to GTM datalayer fp.vars.track_current_user value
  • [Update] WP FP by default sends to GTM datalayer info on what cookies the visitor agreed to.
  • [Update] Updated management of in-admin guides
  • [Update] Joining traffic sources is now more precise
  • [Update] Freemius SDK update
  • [Fix] Google Ads info about correct installation now shows the correct ID
  • [Fix] Custom Post Meta module did not save registered meta data
  • [Fix] Fixed a bug which stopped refreshes in customizer when cookie notice was not enabled
  • [Fix] Joining pinterest referring domains now works correctly

= 5.1.1 (09-08-2023) =

  • [Update] PHP 8.2 compatibility update
  • [Update] When geolocation fails, it will re-try at the beginning of the next session
  • [Update] Slightlyt optimized PHP of the WooCommerce module
  • [Update] Updated in-admin quick guides / checklists
  • [Update] Updated list of database elements that need to be removed on deactivation (if user wanted it)
  • [Fix] Removing FP data from DB on deactivation stopped working after the last update
  • [Removed] Code for the Meta Pixel #2 (PRO)

= 5.1.0 (01-08-2023) =

  • [New] Cookie notice – Added fields for entering text for the necessary cookies
  • [New] User onboarding
  • [Update] Major UI redesign
  • [Update] Cookie notice – a major code rewrite
  • [Update] Cookie notice – a better default CSS style
  • [Update] Cookie notice – a major UI improvement in the admin settings page and customizer
  • [Update] Cookie notice – performance improvements in the customizer
  • [Update] Cookie notice – preventing forgetting referrals is now always enabled
  • [Update] Cookie notice – new defaults in the customizer
  • [Update] Cookie notice – From the 1st Sept 2023 Switzerland requires an opt-in
  • [Update] Cookie notice – make new texts translatable
  • [Fix] Cookie notice – the default option for the geolocation fallback is now correctly set
  • [Fix] Cookie notice – for some reason, get_theme_mod didn’t output the default values. It was fixed with a workaround.
  • [Fix] Cookie notice – the “I understand” button updates when “notify only” option is enabled
  • [Fix] GA4 – Incorrect info about the name of custom dimension that needs to be registered to track scroll
  • [Fix] Various tools with no-cookies mode – added a check to make sure that settings exist (that prevents js errors)
  • [Removed] Google Analytics UA integration

= 5.0.0 (05-07-2023) =

  • [New] [PRO] Meta Pixel Conversion API
  • [New] [PRO] Simple Analytics server-side tracking
  • [New] Added a “Limited Data Use” function to make Facebook Pixel comply with data processing regulations in California, Colorado and Connecticut
  • [New] Script blocking now also allows for blocking images and link
  • [New] Facebook / Meta Pixel – Advanced matching is now a global setting and can send visitor’s email address with each event
  • [Update] Redesigned and remade filters of tracking integrations
  • [Update] [PRO] Tracking user email and usernames no longer requires enabling extra option in the “General tracking” page
  • [Update] No-script fallbacks are now always added
  • [Update] Meta/Facebook Pixel – extra parameters are now added to all events – not only pageviews
  • [Update] All customer information moved from fpdata to fpdata.user
  • [Update] Updated data formats sent for the Facebook Pixels’s Advanced Matching
  • [Update] Enhanced Conversions in GAds now work for all conversion events and have updated data formats
  • [Update] [PRO] Added hashed user data on WooCommerce order confirmation page
  • [Update] Added an admin notice and automatic admin email with an info to move GA UA to GA4.
  • [Update] Freemius SDK
  • [Fix] GAds now loads correctly if the “Force load” option is turned on
  • [Fix] Pinterest noscript fallback is now also added to the free version
  • [Fix] [PRO] Meta Pixel now correctly reports the value of cart on checkout start
  • [Removed] GA UA modules are now hidden if they were never used.
  • [Removed] Info on the URL where event took place has been removed since it is also tracked by the pixel.
  • [Other] Custom deactivation popup asking for feedback replaced with the default Freemius
  • [Other] Changed Freemius SDK conditions for the trial version

= 4.8.3 (06-06-2023) =

  • [Fix] [Cookie notice customizer] The headings no longer disappear when their tag is changed
  • [Fix] [Cookie notice customizer] After changing heading’s tag, their font-size no longer returns to the default
  • [Other] Small changes in the settings descriptions in the Cookie Notice module

= 4.8.2 (01-06-2023) =

  • [New] Clarity can now be used in privacy mode and used without cookie notice / consent
  • [New] GTM is now using a better format of variables
  • [Update] Modified descriptions of some tracking modules
  • [Update] [Pro] Changed how FP.buildObject() creates “items” objects to allow for multi-level nested objects

= 4.8.1 (10-05-2023) =

  • [New] Hotjar can now be used in PII-safe mode and used without cookie consent
  • [Update] Modified contents of the deactivation popup
  • [Update] Modified descriptions of about 50% of modules
  • [Update] Modified sections in about 50% of modules for intergating tracking tools

= 4.8.0 (03-05-2023) =

  • [New] Simple Analytics integration
  • [New] Posthog integration
  • [New] More Matomo tracking options
  • [New] Matomo integration now supports
  • [New] New paddings sizes in the cookie notice’s styling settings
  • [Update] Sign-up after plugin activation is now hidden as it was before
  • [Update] Freemius SDK update
  • [Update] New deactivation form
  • [Update] tracking=”X” can now have values: off, on or reset (they both do the same) and ga4_debug (agrees to all cookies, enables tracking and ga4 debug mode)
  • [Update] Added links to the list of countries where GA is illegal
  • [Update] Tag managers now have their own section in the Modules page
  • [Fix] Cookie notice – headline with optional text now doesn’t show after changing the tag type
  • [Fix] Shortcode in privacy policy now shows all the custom scripts
  • [Fix] Setting page of the “track custom metadata” module now shows up correctly
  • [Other] Clearer descriptions of term tracking settings

= 4.7.5 (21.04.2023) =

3 minor versions were skipped due to many upload problems with WP repository and TortoiseSVN

  • [Update] Added an opt-in screen in the free version
  • [Update] New folder structure inside the plugin
  • [Update] Links pointing to plugin’s website are now pretty permalinks
  • [Fix] Licencing logic
  • [Other] Compatibility check for MonsterInsights, RankMath & ExactMetrics

= 4.7.1 (13.04.2023) =

  • [Update] Simplified and improved the isAllowedToLoad() function
  • [Fix] Matomo – now correctly sends data even when no trailing slash is present in Matomo domain
  • [Fix] Fixed situations when Splitbee, Matomo and Gtag were in consent mode but did not load before users agreed to cookies
  • [Fix] Fixed a bug that prevented plugins to load when Matomo was used and noscript fallbacks were enabled
  • [Fix] Fixed a bug when no tracking tools loaded when cookie notice was disabled but some users had their cookie preferences saved in cookies
  • [Fix] Now, when a user saves settings, they will see the same tab that they saw before saving
  • [Fix] Corrected URLs to documentation

= 4.7.0 (05-04-2023) =

  • [Update] Plugin’s name changed to WP Full Picture
  • [Update] Revamped “Modules” page
  • [Update] Freemius SDK updated to v 2.5.6
  • [Update] Scripts Manger module no longer requires Cookie Notice module and can be used on its own
  • [Update] Stylistic improvements of the admin pages
  • [Update] “Facebook Pixel” name changed to “Meta Pixel”
  • [Fix] Additional checks in blockscr sanitization methods to prevent php notices in the debug.log
  • [Fix] Fixed the $blockscr_enabled PHP error
  • [Fix] Commented-out all the “trigger_error” functions from the code. It occasionally caused errors on the page itself.
  • [Fix] [PRO] FP crashes on non-multisite installations when WC plugin is deactivated while WC module is active
  • [Fix] Admin popups also display if they are called from the dynamically loaded sections

= 4.6.0 (22-03-2023) =

[New] Added tracking views of HTML elements to MS Advertising, Splitbee, Plausible Analytics, Twitter and LinkedIn
[Update] Freemius SDK updated to version 2.5.5
[Update] New instructional video
[Update] Improved descriptions
[Fix] After first save in the Scripts Manager, chekcboxes were checked by default no matter which ones were selected before
[Fix] Splitbee – tracking clicks in cookie notice buttons now works correctly

= 4.5.0 (10-03-2023) =

[New] Added a set of functions for improving tracking accuracy
[New] Added an option to add a headline above the main text of the cookie notice
[New] Added an option to join all Pinterest referring domains into 1
[Update] Extended in-admin documentation tabs and the Getting Started page

= 4.4.0 (26-02-2023) =

[New] Cookie notice can now have an “Only inform” mode
[New] Added an option to join similar referrers (FB and Insta for now)
[New] Script blocking module – blocks and manages 3rd party scripts added by other plugins and solutions
[New] Privacy modules no longer require tracking modules to work
[New] Automatic cookie notice compliance setups
[New] Let admins choose how the cookie notice will behave if geolocation fails
[New] It is now possible to choose which cookie notice switches will be enabled by default
[New] Added new cookie notice customizer field for “OK button” text
[New] Added an option to remember the original referrer if the visitor agrees to cookies on 2+ pageview
[Update] Added a simple check that makes sure that late geolocation result doesn’t overwrite after timeout
[Update] Geolocation no longer runs for known robots (previously it was an option and now it is included)
[Update] Customizer settings – replaced the deprecated “initEvent”
[Update] Simplified the method of loading custom scripts
[Update] Geolocation data is now saved in fpdata by default
[Update] Prepare the plugin for translation
[Fix] On some occasions cookie notice preview doesn’t style {{text}} as link
[Fix] Cookie notice no longer auto declines cookies when closed with ESC key after being opened by a link from the privacy policy
[Fix] Videos in admin popups now pauses after the popup is closed
[Fix] Privacy policy link in the cookie notice no longer gets outline
[Fix] Automatic Focus on cookie notice buttons no longer changes their look
[Fix] Preview of cookie notice in customizer in smaller screen sizes
[Fix] The admin page is no longer blurred when the admin chose to blur the page in the customizer but didn’t save cookies in the front-end
[Fix] You can now translate the privacy policy link in the cookie notice
[Fix] Values of the custom multi-checkbox field in the customizer are now saved correctly
[Fix] Added missing information to GA4 settings about what value to register in GA 4 to report scroll depths
[Fix] Links were incorrectly recognized as download links if the settings field ended or begun with a comma character
[Fix] FP.findX( ”, wrapper) function sometimes caused errors when no wrapper was found
[Fix] Accessibility focusing didn’t work when cookie notice was opened using a privacy policy link
[Fix] Cookie notice with position = central didn’t stick to the bottom on smaller screens
[Fix] Cookie notice with position = bottom-left didn’t get rounded corner on smaller screens
[Fix] Cookies didn’t update after changing cookie settings in the notice using a privacy policy link
[Other] Disabled settings are hidden by default.
[Other] Change “Send feedback” text to “Give suggestion”
[Other] Removed console.logs from cookie notice script
[Other] Removed “extra” text from conditionally added settings in order not to confuse users
[Other] Added a “title” field to name custom and blocked scripts

= 4.3.0 (10-12-2022) =

[New] [Woo] [Pro] Advanced matching in Facebook Pixel
[New] [Woo] [Pro] Tracking clicks in products in lists widgets (e.g. “new products” or “recently viewed”)
[New] [Cookie notice] Typography settings
[New] [GA] Added an option to track page type in a custom dimension (in addition to tracking it for custom grouping)
[Removed] Support for custom HTML cookie notices
[Removed] Old repeater fields replaced with the R3 (plus, updated settings in all integrations)
[Update] Twitter Pixel tag updated to the latest version
[Update] [Woo] [Pro] Additional WooCommerce data is now tracked with Twitter Ads
[Update] Geolocation defaults to “unknown” when it can’t check location for 1 second
[Update] Accessibility improvements in the cookie notice
[Update] Loading of Plausible is now controlled by the same function as for other tools
[Update] Improved script loading sequence
[Update] Sessions saved in fpdata are now recognized as new after 30 mins from the last pageview
[Update] Added extra information and explanations next to critical GDPR-related settings
[Update] Settings descriptions
[Update] Cache is now automatically cleared after every version update
[Update] Improved method of storing and checking install date
[Fix] Current session cookie incorrectly held the same data as recent sessions cookie.
[Fix] Changed method of clearing Litespeed cache – the old one stopped working
[Fix] Occasional bug on mobile that prevented cookie notice from showing up
[Fix] Cookie notice – Removed extra character in switches in the cookie notice
[Fix] Facebook Pixel now correctly tracks content ids on “checkout” and “thank you for the order” pages
[Fix] Gtag no longer overwrites JS date when initialized by multiple google’s tools
[Fix] [GA4] Affiliate link tracking now correctly sends link’s name or url
[Fix] Clicking HTML elements that have no .click() function in prototype (e.g. SVGs) no longer results in an error
[Fix] [Custom scripts] Fixed a bug that generated incorrect object with attributes for FP.getScript()
[Fix] [Custom scripts] Fixed a bug that didn’t remove

Coming soon

= 4.2.0 (19-10-2022) =

[New] A subpage with a list of recent and planned updates
[New] [Tracking] Basic Matomo integration
[New] Option to send an email when the plugin gets deactivated
[New] Added a “What’s new” page
[Update] [Customizer] Sub-sections with cookie notice settings
[Fix] Clarity no longer behaves as if it were running in no-cookie mode
[Fix] [Splitbee] Consent to stats cookies is now explicitly required to enable the cookie mode. User can no-longer agree to any type of cookies.
[Fix] [Plausible] Fixed a typo in the code that prevented the script from loading

= 4.1.0 (25-09-2022) =

[New] [GA4] Consent Mode
[New] [G Ads] Consent Mode
[New] Added “validation mode” for all the tools
[New] [Woo] [GAds] [PRO] Added enhanced conversions to WooCommerce tracking in Google Ads
[New] [Custom Scritps] Scripts are now automatically reformatted to meet requirements
[New] [Cookie Notice] New styling options
[New] Added an option to turn on defering scripts (experimental)
[Update] [Splitbee] No-cookie mode
[Update] Updates from old versions are now performed in the order of version updates
[Update] [Cookie notice] Change how opt-in & opt-out countries are selected in the settings page
[Update] [Plausible] Works after enabling. No longer requires saving settings to work
[Update] Added “step” count in the welcome screen and simplified some field descriptions
[Update] [Iframe blocking] Added to free
[Fix] Fixed a bug that prevented clicks after users agree to only some cookies
[Fix] [GTM] It is now loaded for all visitors and users (even excluded ones)
[Fix] Fixed a bug that showed an error on GA UA#2 settings page
[Fix] Adblock tracker script no longer tries to redefine common values
[Fix] [Custom Scripts] JS Sanitization of script id
[Fix] Button to the cookie notice’s customizer now works correctly if the site is in a subfolder
[Fix] Added data-no-optimize=”1″ to prevent LS Cache from encoding files
[Changed] Clicking “pricing” link in the menu now redirects visitors to FP’s website

= 4.0.1 (07-08-2022) =

[Fix] Recognising plugin’s version after update
[Update] Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.4.5
[Update] “fupi_versions” option can now be deleted after deacivation
[Other] Small updates to UX and texts

= 4.0.0 (24-07-2022) =

[New] Plugin can now be extended by other plugins
[New] Added new short video tutorials
[New] Complex conditions builder
[New] [PRO] Added 2 new data objects to fpdata object that hold info about current and recent user sessions
[New] [PRO] Added tracking custom meta to GA4, GTM and Microsoft Clarity
[New] Added automatic purging of cache of WP-Optimize and Breeze
[New] [GA4] Added an option to enable DebugView for a single user only (with URL parameter)
[New] Added an option to reset cookies (when a URL parameter “reset_cookies” exists)
[New] Moved non-necessary features to their own modules
[New] Geolocation can now be enabled irrespective of the cookie notice
[New] [Privacy] Shortcode that adds links to privacy policy can now also contain mentions and links to other tools
[New] [GTM] [PRO] GTM integration pushes its own e-commerce events and data
[New] [GTM] [PRO] Added a function to prevent overwriting a part of product arrays sent to the dataLayer
[New] Added a new event listener “page_in_focus” to complement the existing “close”
[Removed] Removed “page_visibility” event listener
[Update] [UX] New onboarding page layout and other improvements
[Update] [UX] Optional settings fields are now hidden until the user enables them in the general settings page
[Update] Major update to fields generator and r3 repeater
[Update] [PRO] Tracking form submits now also works on dynamically added forms
[Update] Values of text and textarea fields on settings pages are now trimmed before saving
[Update] Added notifications about potential issues with specific cookie notice setups
[Update] Re-organized settings in the general settings page for improved clarity
[Update] Settings of scroll tracking have been moved from tools’ settings to plugin’s general settings
[Update] Rewritten mechanism of pausing page redirects after link clicks
[Update] Items in arrays in r3 repeaters no longer start from position “1” but from “0”
[Update] Changed how custom scripts are loaded in head and footer in order to load them correctly even if page’s HTML is incorrect
[Update] Replaced the maths behid the FP.getUrlParamByName() to use the new JS URLSearchParam
[Update] Changed “allow_loading” function names to unique to prevent multi-loading under specific conditions
[Update] [Custom Scripts] Updated sanitization method
[Update] [FB] Events that updated “user properties” are now sent as custom events due to the fact that Facebook deprecated the former
[Update] Updated to the latest Freemius SDK
[Fix] [FB] User properties’ names are now sent without “$” character. Instead of “$language” and “$user_type” we now have “language” and “user_type”
[Fix] Page type tracking now correctly recognizes privacy policy page
[Fix] [Custom scripts] Notice about changes in scripts no longer shows multiple times
[Fix] Click tracking now correctly recognises clicks in elements inside links
[Fix] [PRO] [GA UA, GA4] Improved JS error reporting – removed false-positives and improved formatting
[Fix] Fixed a bug preventing admin notices from displaying
[Fix] Update notices are no longer shown to users who installed WP Full Picture for the first time
[Security] Page author IDs are no longer added to the default fpdata object. Added an extra option to enable it and an admin notice informing about potential risks of doing so.

= 3.4.2 (01-04-2022) =

[FIX] Added a check to prevent PHP notice in custom scripts footer php file
[Other] Added some new explainer videos
[Other] Removed extra styling from buttons to make them uniform with other buttons in WP panel

= 3.4.1 (27-03-2022) =

[Removed] [Free] Freemius deactivation popup form
[Added] [Free] Custom deactivation popup info
[Removed] Removed admin notification about clearing cache in order not to confuse non-techies

= 3.4.0 (22-03-2022) =

[New] Added iframe blocking (as an experimental feature)
[New] Added ipdata geolocation method
[New] You can now save full geolocation response in fpdata JavaScript object and use it for your website development
[Update] Improved method of loading custom scripts for an easier addition of scripts
[Update] Set up a custom event to fire after custom cookie notice buttons are clicked
[Fix] Fixed a bug that caused special characters in a custom script to be encoded when the script was saved more than once
[Fix] Added a check in the custom head/body script loading for empty values
[Other] [Woo] Added a safe-check to prevent errors on product pages of non-standard types
[BUGS ADDED!] ADDED 3 typos of files integrating google services to prevent litespeed cache from ommiting them while combining js

= 3.3.0 (11-03-2022) =

[New] Added a safeguard in order not to trigger location check when bots visit the site
[New] Added a custom event “fupi_popup_closed” fired on “document” when cookie notice popup is closed
[Improvement] UX – side menu now contains links to settings pages of all enabled modules
[Improvement] UX – sticky section with “save settings” button

= 3.2.1 (07-03-2021) =

[Fix] Cookie notice didn’t load when the user didn’t save default cookie notice settings
[Fix] Fixed a misplaced apostrophe that caused FP not to load when the user didn’t save default cookie notice settings
[Fix] Added a “nooptimize” tag around FP’s JS (added directly to HTML in head) to prevent Autoptimize from breaking it

= 3.2.0 (07-03-2021) =

[New] [GA UA, GA4, FBP] You can now track any custom meta data of type string, number or boolean
[New] You can now restrict loading tools & custom scripts to certain countries
[New] Added support of 2 new geolocation services
[Fix] [Woo] [Hotjar] Fixed a bug that didn’t send product details as tags
[Fix] [GAds] Fixed a bug that didn’t allow to create more than 1 repeater field for affilaite links, etc.
[Update] [GAds] [Pro] Added a “gads conv id” variable to the list of recognized vars in FP.set() object
[Update] [Premium] No longer sends activity time event if the visitor came back to look at the page for less than 1 second
[Update] [Pin] Updated data sanitization rules
[Other] Cloudflare geolocation for non-CF-users is no longer an experimental function
[Other] Freemius SDK updated to the latest version

= 3.1.0 (20-02-2022) =

[New] Added a function to add any tracking script in header or footer
[New] Added a notification that shows up on first plugin activation reminding users to enable automatic updates for WP Full Picture
[Fix] Added a check to make sure that “Cache cleared” notice doesn’t show up twice
[Fix] Intro popup no longer shows up after refresh / saving settings
[Update] New tools settings pages are now highlighted in menu until the notice is hidden
[Update] Updated links in the plugin settings
[Other] [Twitter] Improved description in WooCommerce section
[Other] Tiny fixes and updates

= 3.0.0 (07-02-2022) =

[New] TikTok integration added (with WooCommerce support)
[New] New Tracking API is now much more flexible, easier to use and less error-prone than the old one
[New] [Pro] [Google Ads] Added tracking event-based, non-value or single-value conversions
[New] [Pro] [Woo] [MS Ads] Added tracking events and conversions
[New] [Pro] [MS Clarity, Crazy Egg, Inspectlet] [Woo] Added tagging product views
[Removed] Custom Event shortcodes are no longer available due to the changes in FP’s Tracking API
[Removed] [GTM] Page url is no longer sent with scroll events
[Improved] [Pro] [Woo] Event limiter to “Unique session” is now replaced with “Unique path”
[Improved] [Pro] [Woo] Tracking product teaser impressions loaded with Ajax is now fully automated and does not require any extra setup
[Improved] [Pro] [Woo] [Pin] Added tracking product searches for WooCommerce
[Improved] Complete design overhaul of WP Full Picture’s settings pages in the WP admin panel
[Improved] Engagement timer no longer resets after user clicks a contact link or email link (it is paused instead)
[Improved] Scroll tracking delay now takes into consideration how long the user was engaged with the content
[Improved] Checkign whether a page is refreshed now takes into consideration sessions and new tabs
[Improved] [Inspectlet] Removed unnecessary check for pagetype
[Improved] [Inspectlet] Joined multiple tag events into a single one to speed up sending
[Improved] Removed unused scripts from FP library
[Improved] Checking if the user is blocking ads / tracking scripts
[Improved] [GA UA] Added event actions
[Improved] [GA UA] Vitual pageviews now send to GA all the parameters (like in the original page view)
[Improved / Changed] [GA UA] Categories of all “click” events sent to GA are now changed to “clicks” (from previous “anchor”, “outbound”, etc.)
[Improved] [PRO] [Woo] Checking if an event is unique is now done with cookies and not local/sessionStorage
[Improved] [PRO] Added new “sum” method for formatting custom events’ data
[Improved] [Woo] [GA, GA4] sending e-commerce data to specific GA4 integrations
[Improved] [PRO] Setting “Unique” marker in FP.set() now falls back to cookies if local/sessionStorage is full
[Improved] Some JS notifications no longer show up when debug mode is off
[Improved] [Plausible] Tracking scripts no longer wait for the fp_load_scripts function and no longer check for isAllowedToLoad (which always resulted in true)
[Improved] [Plausible] Tracking scripts no longer wait for the fp_load_scripts function and no longer check for isAllowedToLoad (which always resulted in true)
[Changed] Pointer notifications on admin screen are now replaced with admin notices
[Changed] Site admins now specify which terms they want to track instead of stating which they don’t
[Changed] When enabled, page labels are tracked both as page types and terms of “fupi_page_labels” taxonomy
[Changed] [GTM] When page gains or loses focus it no longer pushes to the dataLayer value ‘window visibility state’ but ‘page in focus’ with a boolean value of either true or false
[Fix] [Cookie notice] Removed a bug that caused permanent scroll-lock
[Fix] [Cache clearing] Notification about cleared cache now correctly shows in the admin after saving settings
[Fix] [Cookie notice] Scroll lock now correctly blocks the scroll on the front end
[Fix] [Google Analytics 4 & UA] When viewed elements tracking was defined in both GAs all element views could be sent to both of them
[Fix] [Inspectlet] Identyfying logged in user by email didn’t always work
[Fix] Activity timer now correctly stops when the window loses focus
[Fix] [PRO] Hotjar e-commerce tracking didn’t work if Microsoft Clarity was disabled
[Fix] [PRO] When geolocation was enabled, tracking scripts didn’t load on first pageview after browser restart
[Fix] Cookie notice now hides when it was closed in a different tab
[Fix] [Cookie notice] Geolocation with Cloudways now works as expected
[Fix] [PRO] [Woo] Corrected formats of data object recipes
[Fix] [PRO] [Woo] List names and list positions are now added to product teasers’ “fupi data” earlier
[Fix] [PRO] [Woo] Tracking grouped products now works even when the quantity is changed during pageload
[Fix] [PRO] [Woo] Adding to cart grouped products with 0 quantity no longer triggers tracking
[Other] Dropped support for Internet Explorer
[Other] Tagging in HotJar is still using older “tagRecording” declaration to prevent errors that show up in the latest HotJar API
[Other] Multiple other small tweaks

= 2.3.0 (04-10-2021) =

[Improved] UX changes, new pointers system and field descriptions tweaks
[New] You can now filter the list of tools to view only free ones
[Removed] Deprecated functions
[Removed] Irrelevant notifications

= 2.2.0 (23-09-2021) =

[NEW] [PRO] [Woo] Added tracking clicks in product teasers and blocks
[Improved] Clearing cache – increased number of supported caching plugins
[Improved] [GTM] GTM now sends info on chosen cookie types when cookie notice buttons are clicked
[Fix] Fupi DB version is now correctly saved in the options
[Fix] % symbol in some filed’s descriptions no longer causes fatal errors on some configurations
[Fix] [GTM] Clicks in cookie notice buttons are now correctly recognized
[Fix] [PRO] [Woo] Tracking adding to cart products in a block teaser works now correctly
[Fix] [PRO] [Woo] [GA4] Tracking e-commerce events now works incorrectly
[Fix] [PRO] [Woo] Disabling tracking product views and impressions after refresh now works correctly
[Removed] Modifications to deactivation popup questions
[Removed] [Plausible] Removed deprecated functions
[Removed] [Google Analytics UA] Removed deprecated functions

= 2.1.1 (17-09-2021) =

[Fix] Missing file in the last update
[Fix] Removed duplicated dookie notice settings

= 2.1.0 (15-09-2021) =

[New] Added LinkedIn Insights tag to the Free version
[Improved] Keyword in the URL for disabling tracking is no longer present in FP’s JavaScript vars
[Fix] Excluding users from tracking by roles did not work when global settings were not saved
[Fix] PHP warning on db update when cookie notice had no settings
[Fix] Noscript tags now work as intended

= 2.0.1 (12-09-2021) =

[Fix] Deactivation bug
[Fix] Twitter Ads was incorrectly marked as being available in the free version

= 2.0.0 (12-09-2021) =

[New] [CrazyEgg] You can now tag recordings by user actions
[New] [Plausible] View statistics inside WordPress dashboard
[New] [Plausible] Better support for self-hosted Plausible and clearer field descriptions
[New] [Plausible] You can now track clicks in “decline cookies” button in a custom cookie notice
[New] [Splitbee] A separate setting to easily enable tracking cookie notice buttons
[New] [PRO] WooCommerce support
[New] [PRO] Overwriting data object set with FP.set() is now possible
[New] [PRO] [Twitter] You can now send single events to Twitter
[New] [PRO] You can now use your own cookie notice and hook it up to WP Full Picture’s cookie-loading mechanisms
[New] [PRO] Allow users with certain capabilities to view and save WP Full Picture’s settings
[New] [PRO] You can now set page types (post type “page”) to the value of custom page labels
[Fix] [Crazy Egg] User identification function now works correctly
[Fix] [Plausible] Tracking clicks in “decline cookies” button now works correctly
[Fix] Error when trying to deactivate the plugin with “remove settings in the database after deactivate” option switched on
[Fix] [MS Clarity] Fixed tracking user roles
[Improved] Page types reported by plugin have now unified formatting (Camel Case) and correctly give singular names, e.g. Post, instead of “Posts”
[Improved] WP Full Picture moved to top-level menu
[Improved] Tracking elements that get in view
[Improved] Outbound link tracking
[Removed] Fathom integration
[Removed] Old / unnecessary tracking methods
[Other] [Plausible] Added notice about removal of deprecated settings in the next version
[Other] Bumped required minimal PHP version to 7.2
[Other] Plugin’s file and folder structure changed

= 1.7.0 (25-05-2021) =

[Improved] Major UX redesign and new tutorial videos
[New] GTM – send an event when the window gets focus
[New] [PRO] GA4 – added tracking JS errors
[New] [PRO] Hotjar – added tracking JS errors
[Fix] GTM is now loaded irrespective of whether the tab is in focus or not
[Fix] Tracking clicks in cookie notice buttons
[Improved] Opt-in to tracking usage statistics and config data
[Improved] Settings descriptions
[Improved] More deactivation reasons in deactivation form

= 1.6.0 (24-04-2021) =

[New] Added an option to label pages and later track those labels
[New] “Privacy & security” global settings
[New] Hotjar – added tagging screen recordings with the visibility of elements
[New] Inspectlet – added tagging screen recordings with the visibility of elements
[Fix] “New” label on “Cookie notice” tab now hides when intended
[Improved] Descriptions of sections and fields
[Improved] Inspectlet – stronger field sanitization
[Other] Limited questions in the plugin deactivation survey to the most important ones

= 1.5.3 (19-04-2021) =

[Fix] Cookie notice – background got “blur out” effect after clicking cookie buttons even when blur was not set up
[Update] Language translation files
[Update] Readme file & WP repo banner
[Tweak] Changed order of Google Analytics 4 & UA in tools section
[Tweak] Added “Feedback” link to top menu
[Tweak] Small UX changes

= 1.5.2 (17-04-2021) =

[Copyright issue] Removal of Facebook logo from the banner and version bump

= 1.5.1 (15-04-2021) =

[Check] WordPress 5.7.1 compatibility check
[Tweak] Small UX tweaks
[Tweak] Readme file and icons

= 1.5.0 (12-04-2021) =

[New] Google Tag Manager integration
[New] Cookie notice – Alternative button layouts
[New] [PRO] Added an option to delay page redirect to give tracking scripts extra time to send data
[New] [PRO] Google Analytics UA – added JS error tracking
[Improved] Anchor links are now targetted more accurately
[Improved] Mechanism loading footer scripts is now faster and doesn’t timeout
[Improved] Super tiny improvement to form targetting script
[Improved] Facebook Pixel – form tracking event now sends to Facebook location of the form
[Improved] [PRO] Google Analytics UA custom events
[Improved] [PRO] Facebook Pixel custom events
[Improved] [PRO] Twitter custom events
[Improved] [PRO] LinkedIn custom events and settings page overhaul
[Improved] [PRO] Pinterest custom events
[Improved] [PRO] Hotjar custom events
[Improved] [PRO] Microsotf Clarity custom events
[Improved] [PRO] Google Ads custom events and settings page overhaul
[Fix] Tracking file downloads
[Fix] Polyfills didn’t load in IE after prefix change from fp to fupi
[Fix] Cookie notice – Gradient overlay did not hide on Internet Explorer

= 1.4.0 (12-03-2021) =

[New] You can now redirect 404 pages to any page you like
[New] Splitbee has “no-cookie” mode now
[New] Cookie notice – you can now blur content before user consent
[New] Plausible integration now lets you track file downloads
[Improvement] We made descriptions of settings fields even clearer
[Improvement] We tweaked UX to make using the plugin more straightforward
[Fix] Cookie notice settings – Link to privacy policy is now dynamically added to the main cookie description
[Fix] Google Analytics – page load performance metric – fixed event data object
[Fix] Cookie notice – highlighting a link made with now {{…}} works correctly
[Fix] URL parameters no longer show up in reports in the names of downloaded files
[Update] Plugin translation files

= 1.3.0 (08-03-2021) =

[New] New setup wizards
[New] Easy mode for non-techies
[New] New WP admin notices which show only when necessary
[New] Plausible – added support of event properties
[New] Plausible – added new tracking features
[Fix] Crazy Egg – identifying users by ID now works correctly
[Fix] Corrected title and description of broken link tracking setting
[Fix] Google Analytics – page load performance metric – fixed event data object
[Fix] Splitbee – Fixed problem with not loading script for A/B tests
[Update][PRO] Major code rewrite of Custom Event tracking
[Update][PRO] Facebook Pixel #1 / GA #1 is now required to load before the #2 can load
[Update] Resetting cookies is no longer possible via Magic URL – it can be done only via clicking the icon
[Update] Logo in admin is now an svg
[Update] Global Tracking Settings – default double-click time increased to 300ms
[Update] FP Settings – CSS selectors in repeater fields are now trimmed before saving in the database

= 1.2.0 =

[New] Tracking broken links
[New] Cookie Notice – you can now choose a color for switches
[New] Added a link to settings page in plugin’s entry on plugins list
[New] Added thumbs-up/down buttons for easier feedback and support
[Fix] Facebook Pixel – fixed JS error on scroll
[Update] Language files
[Change] Freemius opt-in is automatically skipped on 1st time plugin activation

= 1.1.0 =

[New] MS Clarity – tagging sessions with adblock use
[New] Added language files for translating the plugin
[Fix] GTM and FB Pixel – “Track scroll after time” is now respected
[Improved] UX – added “play” button to thumbs with tutorial videos
[Improved] Added extra descriptions in settings panel
[Improved] Fathom – Added repeater fields in settings
[Improved] MS Clarity – added sections with tagging settings
[Removed] Hotjar – removed tagging with referral – Hotjar also has this function

= 1.0.0 =

[Improved] Large improvements in settings panel
[Improved] Clearer descriptions of some options
[Fix] Occasional problems with repeater field not saving data properly

= 0.9.7 =

Initial release