Keep proofs of consent in the cloud

(coming in September)

Keep consents in a cloud database in the EU to prove that your visitors gave consent to processing their data.

cdb list of consents

Why save consents in the cloud?

Some plugins store consents in your WordPress database, allowing you to modify them, which may not hold up in court. Our cloud storage keeps your database light and increases the likelihood of consents being accepted as legal proof.

* Acceptance of consents may vary by country and court.

Save 500 consents/day for free

Every website running an active licence of WP Full Picture Pro will be able to save up to 500 consents/day for free until August 31st, 2025.

Later, standard pricing will apply.

Soon available for WP FP Pro and Free

ConsentsDB service will be available for WP FP Pro users in September and for users of WP FP Free in November 2024.

Pricing will be revealed at the same time.