Meta Pixel (Facebook & Instagram) WooCommerce events

Full Picture automatically tracks WooCommerce events and data that is listed below and sends it to Meta.

Purchase event

Tracked on “Thank you for your order” page the first time it is displayed. The same order with the same ID cannot be tracked more than once.

Data tracked with the event:

  1. contents (id and quantity of every item in cart)
  2. currency
  3. value

Product view event

Tracks views of product detail page and quick view windows (on condition that they display a standard “add to cart” button and use a standard WooCommerce hook “woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button”).

Data tracked with the event:

  1. contents (id and quantity of every viewed item)
  2. currency
  3. content_category
  4. value

Add to cart event

Works on single, variable and grouped products, product teasers (like on product categories) and on quick view windows (on condition that they display a standard “add to cart” button and use a standard WooCommerce hook “woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button”).

Attention! Variations can be tracked in 2 ways. Please see the WooCommerce Tracking page for more details.

Data tracked with the event:

  1. contents (id, price and quantity of every item added to cart)
  2. value
  3. currency

Checkout event

Tracks products in cart the first time checkout page was visited by the customers. Abandoning the checkout and then returning to it will not send an additional “checkout start” event.

Data tracked with the event:

  1. contents (id and quantity of every item in cart)
  2. num_items
  3. value
  4. currency

Add to wishlist event

Works if wishlist button is added right after the “add to cart” button. Other placements have not been tested.

Attention! Requires additional setup on the WooCommerce Tracking page.

Data tracked with the event:

  1. contents (id, price and quantity of the item added to the wishlist)
  2. num_items
  3. content_category
  4. currency
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