WooCommerce Tracking

for WordPress and WooCommerce

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WooCommerce Tracking module tracks users’ actions on WooCommerce stores and sends them to all compatible tracking tools, e.g. Google Analytics or Meta Pixel.

What WooCommerce events and data are tracked?

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WooCommerce tracking module can track actions in classic WooCommerce elements, Gutenberg blocks and WooCommerce elements used by Block themes. The module tracks:

  • purchases
  • checkouts
  • adding products to cart
  • removing products from cart
  • adding products to a wishlist
  • viewing product details pages
  • viewing product lists (categories, similar products, often bought together, etc.)

The module also tracks products that take part in the events. For example, when a visitor adds a product to cart, WooCommerce Tracking module will track this event and get the information on what specific product was added.


WooCommerce Tracking module is compatible with the following tracking modules:

Please read the descriptions of these modules to learn what WooCommerce events they can process (not all tracking tools can process information about every tracked action).