Twitter WooCommerce events
The list of events and associated data that WP Full Picture tracks and sends to Twitter.
Purchase event
This event is sent on “thank you for your order” page
Tracked data:
- value
- conversion_id
- currency
- contents (info on every ordered product: product id, product category, product name, price and quantity)
Checkout event
This event is sent the first time a checkout is started. Event can be sent again only after the visitor makes an order and starts a new checkout.
Tracked data:
- value
- currency
- contents (info on every product in cart: product id, product category, product name, price and quantity)
Content View event
This event is sent when a product details page or a “quick view” window is viewed. Quickview window views are tracked only when they contain a standard WooCommerce “Add to cart button” and a standard hook “woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button”
Tracked data:
- value
- currency
- contents (product data – product id, category, name, price and quantity)
Add to Wishlist event
This event is sent when a visitor adds a product to a wishlist. Please make sure to configure this correctly in the WooCommerce tracking settings page.
Tracked data:
- value
- currency
- contents (product data – product id, category, name, price and quantity)
Add to Cart event
This event is sent when a single or a variable product is added to cart. Tracking works everywhere where the standard WooCommerce “Add to cart” button and “”woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button”” are used.
Tracked data:
- value
- currency
- contents (product data – product id, category, name, price and quantity)