How to start collecting records of consents

WP Full Picture lets you save visitors’ records of consents in our cloud service ConsentsDB. The service is available to users of WP FP Free and Pro, but the setup looks slightly different for each of them. We explain everything below.


To be able to use the CDB service and finish the setup process, your website needs to have:

  1. a privacy policy page (published and set as the PP page in the WordPress admin page at “Tools” > “Privacy”)
  2. and your consent banner needs to use a mode other than “Inform only”

    Setup for the users of WP FP Pro

    1. Register an account on (if you do not have one already)
    2. Click the “Add another website” button
    3. Follow the steps on the screen
    4. On step 2 you will get a secret key, which you will have to enter in the “Consent Banner” settings page.
    5. Sign DPA or appoint other users to do it (they need to be invited to the CDB first). The DPA needs to be signed by a person who has the role of a data protection officer in a company. Users who did not sign DPA will not be able to access the consents records

    Setup for the users of WP FP Free

    1. Register an account on (if you do not have one already)
    2. Click the “Add another website” button
    3. Follow the steps on the screen
    4. On step 2 you will get a secret key, which you will have to enter in the “Consent Banner” settings page.
    5. Sign DPA or appoint other users to do it (they need to be invited to the CDB first). The DPA needs to be signed by a person who has the role of a data protection officer in a company. Users who did not sign DPA will not be able to access the consents records
    6. Go to our pricing page and purchase one of the plans for saving consents. All plans are “pay as you go”. You pay for the number of consents that can be saved on CDB.
    7. After a few minutes from the purchase you will receive 3 emails:
      • order confirmation email
      • receipt or invoice from the payment processor
      • and an email with a key to top-up your CDB account
    8. Go back to your admin panel in the ConsentsDB website and click the “settings” button, next to the website you want to top-up
    9. Click the “Increase limits” button, enter the provided key and you are done. Your website should now be collecting consents
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